Day 2

Have an Aim

The first day of 70 is over. My body is already experiencing shock. Yesterday, I worked out my legs. I hadn’t completed a strength training exercise dedicated to legs in over three years. Suffice it to say my legs hurt. And how is my diet impacting my body? I’m experiencing food withdrawal to processed food. These withdrawals made me groggy this morning preparing for work. I haven’t even touched on my desire to not read 10 pages of a book.

But you know what? I had momentum going into today that led to incredible results.

I’m feeling more focused. I’m finding it easy to push through the wall that you encounter when you don’t want to do something to get things done. I’m more productive not only with my own health, but at work. Which led to 3 applications (the fundamental metric of success at my position) at work today. I have more confidence in my voice on the phone at work.

Most importantly, I have guard railed my life with structure in a world where people are constantly floating aimlessly. I have a set of problems and challenges to attack every day, that when completed make my life feel accomplished. I have drive. I have purpose.

It is because of this structure. It is because of this sense of purpose. This feeling that I am working on something bigger, that I no longer feel the temptation to eat more than what would be considered a normal portion of food. I no longer have to fill myself up with food to feel good. I know that delaying my gratification now will reap a more meaningful reward later.

As I look in the mirror today at 34, I thought to myself how many years of bad choices, poor diet and lack of discipline lead to the body I have now? After a few seconds of feeling sorry for myself, I realized that the answer to that question didn’t matter. At 34 year old and 249 pounds I’m excited, because I’m just getting started. In the words of my favorite author, Jordan Peterson: I’m aiming up.

I’m excited to share with you all the results.

- Josh

Day 2 | 2/18/2025

Body Weight: 249 Pounds


Day 1