Day 1
Welcome to My Blog
Over the next 70 days I will be tracking my fitness progress through daily writings. These writings will provide details of what I’m doing to get in shape while sharing what’s going through my head. Getting in shape is tough. It’s even tougher when you’re an adult who doesn’t have much free time. Life is hard. There’s no doubt about it. Paying bills on time, ensuring your family is fed and maintaining a healthy relationship with the one you love may seem difficult enough. Now throw fitness into the mix to take up more of your time and energy? Impossible. Here’s the thing, you do have the right to think being fit is hard because living a healthier lifestyle takes time, effort and intention. How do I know this? Because the life of convenience I am currently living has led to obesity and high blood pressure. Health is something that is earned, not given. You must invest in your health to reap the rewards. The good news is that with proper planning, batch cooking and fine tuning my routine that I can be on the way to a life of health within a few weeks. 10 weeks, in fact. Each day, I will share with you a picture of myself shirtless to track my progress to go along with a short written post. On my TikTok, I’ll upload a daily progress video.
Why Am I Doing This?
Three weeks ago I was so sick that I had to miss work for a week. My body did not have the desire to get out of bed. Shivering and uncomfortable, I headed over to a local clinic to figure out what was wrong with me. “Wow, you’re actually really sick” the nurse told me after taking my temperature. Shivering while sitting in a metal chair, we went over my vitals and current overall health. After running some tests, she determined I had a virus. “Take Advil and rest” she said. Riveting stuff. Upon leaving the clinic, I went through the paperwork after starting my car. Sitting in the parking lot, I saw my BMI reading. It read that I was obese. Instead of wallowing, I decided to do something. Luckily around the same time my friends invited me to join them on completing the popular challenge 75 Day Hard. I knew I needed more accountability, so I made this blog. To me, 10 weeks of blogging makes more sense than 10.714, so I settled on 70 days.
Daily Requirements On 75 Hard:
Below is what you have to daily on 75 Hard. The next paragraph covers what I’m incorporating in to my fitness plan.
Take a progress photo.
Complete two 45 minute workouts a day. One must be outdoors, regardless of weather.
Follow a diet without cheat meals or alcohol.
Read 10 pages of a book.
Drink a gallon of water.
What Am I Doing?
My plan is simple. The elevator pitch would is to eat less and burn more calories. I’m taking an intense approach to this. I work in sales. In sales, if you go bananas with it’s most fundamental habit: Prospecting (talking to people), you can earn money off that newly built momentum for the next year. I am adopting this same approach to my fitness activity.
So Here’s What I’m Doing:
Eat as clean as possible
Do 1 Hour of Cardio a Day
Do 1 Hour of Strength Training a Day
Do 100 Pushups, 100 Body Weight Squats, 25 Pull Ups and Ab Exercises
Stay Hydrated
Now, here’s the hardest part. Actually doing what I’ve set out to do consistently each and every day. I’m off to get started. Day 2 will cover more details on my plan. Thanks for stopping by.
- Josh
Day 1 | 2/17/2025
Body Weight: 249 Pounds